2009年9月10日 星期四

My first entry

I begin to foret things easily.
I forget the promise to the others.
I forget the dating with the others.
I forget what should I do.
Oh my god!

every time when I attend the DGC class.
I feel excited since it seems that my relationship with graphic become closer.
After taking BBA at university. I seldom have oppotunity to work with graphics/ design e.t.c.
Only when I attend the DGC class.
I could feel that I am learn the things that I really like.

I need to work hard on that.

it is a work from my previous portfolio.
And I have done some modification recently in order to clearify the black and white colour.
In fact, this picture do have another two with the same series.
representing a evolution of the character.
However, since it is a work when I was F.5. It is not quite mature when I see them now.
by the way, I do wanna know more about DGC in this year in order to boarden my horizon!

