2009年9月22日 星期二

The third week

Amazing morning.
Study some of the theory about digital graphic communication.
In fact, we do know some of the theory by our common sense.
But we do not know what is the exactly wording representing that concept.
This lesson is great that I learn more about what we use (or see) in our dairy life about graphic.

There is one thing I want to mention- The comparison between the two designers' work.
the Maxims' icon, the One2free icon, e.t.c.
In fact, I have never noticed that the Maxims' icon is made by heart.
In my view, it is just an icon with something brusting out.
Perhaps it is due to the fact that this icon is too common in Hong Kong and we seldom spend time on it.

This do remind me one thing- people always miss the thing that they think that they are familiar with.
Not just icon that is common, but also our families, friends, opportunities...

There is one thing we need to bear in mind: treasure the thing that we already have and do spend time with them.

It's time for my lesson. Continue later!

